It's fun to be 40! Yesterday at my exam, I got an extra poke, one my GYN said would make Katie Couric happy (I love my dr.). She also wrote an order for a mammogram, which I knew was coming. I had one at 35, so it's not a big deal. My dr. is leaving her current practice, the second she's been with since I've seeing her, and going into a gynecology-only practice with another doctor. I won't have to run into all the preggers that way. And, if by a miracle I get pregnant, I can just go back to that practice. I'm nothing if not ever hopeful.
The visit was pretty entertaining, as she came into the exam room wheeling a computer. They have a new system for ALL of your medical info. My RE hadn't forwarded her the info about my second IVF and my lap of a year and a half ago. He'd sent the first results, maybe he was too sad the second time. This computer program is pretty thorough. I've been having an irritation problem and she said the skin in that area looked a bit paler and thinner, possibly a result of all the fertility drugs. Well, yay. She noted this in my chart and then typed "SEE DIAGRAM." After typing, she pulled up a picture of a naked woman, and commented on her hairless (except for her head) state. She then goosed (her word) the picture's nether region with the cursor, which brought up the woman's hairless splayed glory. She used the cursor to indicate my thin-skinned lip, and was able to make it the approximate color.
On my gyno's 'puter,
Just a day ago."
Ha! I love your song.
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