Friday, March 25, 2005


I've been thinking about jealousy since Karen ran a poll on her website and one of the questions was "Are you jealous of me?" Well, duh, of course I am, she's a cutie. Not seriously jealous, but a wee bit. Watching TV brought out the old green-eyed monster this morning, though. Where does that term originate anyway? Are people with green eyes jealous of others? Are we supposed to be jealous of people with green eyes? Because my blue eyes are one of the things about my appearance that actually make me happy. Back to who actually made me jealous this morning.

  1. Ken Jennings. He's on yet another commercial. There again, I'm not REALLY jealous, but he has turned his Jeopardy! appearances into a whole career. He's got a book deal, at least two national commercials plus all the dough he won. Someone asked me the other day how I would've done against him and I said he would've wiped the floor with me, most days, anyway. You couldn't win continuously when I was on, which is moot anyway, since I lost on my 3rd appearance. If I hadn't, I might be on the current big-ass tournament they're running. I have gotten some minor celebrity from it, and even got a mention last month in my hometown newspaper's editorial section last month, and it's been more than 3 years since I was on the show. I got the full treatment then, radio appearances, colums about me in the local newspaper and alternative paper, and articles and photos in the hometown paper.
  2. The chick who stole my last fulltime broadcasting job. OK, she didn't steal it, she didn't hire herself, of course. Apparently my position was available, I just didn't know it until I was axed. This lady gets lots of voiceover work and I heard one of her TV spots in the same break with the Ken commercial. She also sings and got to sing on the CD the station released at Christmas, something I'd thought we could do several years ago, and I wanted to sing. Actually, I'd been thinking more in terms of a concert, but same thing. Sometimes it just feels like "anything I can do, she can do better." Not true, but it feels that way.

I 'm also somewhat jealous of anyone who figures out a way to work from home and make a decent living that way. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.


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