Monday, August 04, 2003

I was a bit nervous about it, but our doctor suggested putting back 4 embryos, so we did. Yikes! It worries me some, but then I think, we put in 3 last year and didn't have any babies, so shouldn't worry about one extra. Maybe if we had done that last year...

The embryologist called Saturday morning and told us we had an 8-cell embryo, a 6, 3 5s and the other 4 were smaller, but still growing. While in the waiting room at the Fertility Center (they'd gotten behind), I told DH I wondered if the embies could've grown any in the last few hours. Turns out, they had! The embryologist mentioned a very nice 7-cell when she came to talk to us, and I'm thinking that's the one that's going to make us a mommy and daddy since it stepped up at the last moment! That one went in, of course, along with the 8, a 6 and a 5. They were all "B" quality, we didn't have any "A"s last year either, bummer. I had to have a full bladder and it was REALLY uncomfortable and my right ovary was hurting. The RE seemed to be very happy, however, and told us we've done everything we can do. He does seem to think there's a problem with my left side (ovary, tube, or something). I don't know if it would make any sense to have a laparoscopy to see what's going on or not. My insurance wouldn't cover it if it's fertility-related, but if there's an actual problem, I suppose it would. I do have twinges of pain on that side more often.

I've felt more tender and a little nauseous this time after transfer and I don't remember that from last time, but I could just be blocking it out. I have to have progesterone shots every night and they produce symptoms that mimic pregnancy, so I really have to ignore lots of the things I feel. The RE was trying to convince us not to try any home pregnancy tests. I didn't last year, but I've been thinking about doing one this year the day before my beta. I've had a talk with the embies and told them that 2 of them should just help the other 2 to stick. I did dream on Saturday night that we had a positive beta test. I'm really hoping that's my body telling me something!


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