Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I had to set the alarm for 12:55 A.M. before I went to bed last night, so we could get up and do my trigger shot. Is it a good idea to have men stab their wives with giant needles in the middle of the night? Hee hee. The HCG shot which will release my eggs, has to be timed just right for the egg retrieval. We're to be at the fertility center at 10:15 tomorrow morning. I started to ask Yvonne how many eggs she thought we'd get, but then I told her, no, I'd rather just wait and find out tomorrow. Besides, it's the number that fertilize that matters.

I'm glad to be done poking my belly and thighs with the little needles, even though there was very little pain involved. It's odd, the last few times I did the lupron shots, they hurt. I guess my legs were just tired of it! I'm dreading getting my hand poked for the IVF--that HURT last time. Just for a few minutes, though, then I felt nice and warm. They say you're awake and that the anesthesia just gives you amnesia, but it really seemed like I was asleep, because it seemed like I was waking up when they were pushing me back to the recovery room. Big day tomorrow!!


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