Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Got job?

And so, I have rejoined the world of the fully employed. After Christmas, I got a call from the wife of one of my former bosses (at my last full-time job). She was looking for a Development Assistant at the retirement community where she works. I started here 4 weeks ago. WM is affiliated with, but not run or fully supported by, the denomination I've been a part of all my life (UMC). My grandmother (who was Baptist) lived here for a few months before she died in 1995, so I have many connections to the job. Our offices are in one of the patio homes, and I have my own lovely office with a window. The job's only about 12 miles from home, and I'm going against the bulk of the traffic mornings and afternoons. It all seems perfect and yet... Oh, I'm so thankful to be somewhere so nice where I might actually make a difference in people's lives, and I want to keep an open mind and hope it'll last forever, but I have a feeling I'll be restless within a year or so. My boss is a very nice person, but conservative and resistant to technology, i.e. computers, internet, etc. We just got new computers a week and half ago, and she's griping about XP (her old OS was Windows 98--mine was 95, so I'm thrilled with the new stuff). I tell her it'll just take some getting used to. We'll see.

I'm not making the kind of salary I was hoping to get, but it's the best salary I've gotten thus far. When I was fulltime in radio I made a little less, but I got quite a few remotes, which make up for not getting a topnotch salary. I'm still doing my TV announcing and my weekend radio stuff, so that money will help. I'm going to start actively pursuing more voice work in the next month or so, too. My plan is to pay off my car early, and then work on the other debts. I think it's time to go on and fill out the adoption applications. I'm terrified of more debt, but Mom and Dad will help with the money. I'm not sure they realize how expensive it all is. I'm thinking we might lean toward adopting from Guatemala, but we've still not hashed it all out. It's almost bad making some money now, because while most of me wants to save as much as possible, the other, smaller part is screaming loudly for stuff, stuff, stuff!!! I've got a trial subscription to XM at work because of the Dell computers, and now I'm lusting to have it all of the time. G got me a nice office stereo for my birthday and it does have an aux jack, so I could listen to it here. He asked if I wanted a car stereo, and I said no, but I do. There are so many things I want. A garage. A dining room set. New stuff for our house. New clothes. New everything. But I want family more. I think part of the draw of the other stuff is I could get it now. But I'd be paying for it later. Money makes the world go round and round and round til I'm just dizzy.


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