Wednesday, December 17, 2003

I watched "Adoption Stories" last night. Big mistake. I got very concerned for the adoptive couple. They were adopting a baby being born to a couple who already had 4 children and didn't feel that could handle another. The adoptive parents were going to be in the delivery room, but the birth mother changed her mind. I was afraid she'd change her mind altogether, but she relented at the last moment and the adoptive parents got to be there for the birth. I just started thinking that I've been ignoring all the signs and maybe it's just not meant for me to be a parent. When I finally met someone I was 29, and lo and behold, he'd had a vasectomy. We finally got that undone 3 years after we got married, but then he still had a low count--maybe he always had, we don't know. 2 failed IVFs later it's time to adopt, but now we're so in debt from IVF number 2, and I can't find a worthwhile job. I've really only had one job I liked in the 16 years since college, and I just don't know what to do now. Even if my Mom and Dad helped us with the adoption (and they would), how would we pay for anything else? I get frustrated with G, feeling he should try to hustle up more work for himself, but that gets me nowhere. Sorry for the pity party, but I guess I'm hoping this thinking aloud, so to speak, will help somehow. I told myself I wouldn't get my hopes up for that job possibility, yet it really deflated me to not get the in-person interview. If it's not meant to be...


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