(warning, TMI coming) I think my hormones are really screwy. I don't know if it's lingering effects of the fertility drugs from July, if it's from the lap, or just that I'm getting older. My sex drive has been way down for a couple of months, and I've been spotting for a day and a half, which isn't really normal for me. I think I'm getting ready to start full on now, though.
I've been thinking of buying one of these Ovulation Scopes. It's just a little microscope to pick up the ferning pattern of saliva. I know basically when I'm ovulating, but my EWCM seems to last a few days past when the time should've passed, which is a little confusing. I know I could take my temp. every morning, but spitting on a glass seems a bit easier, and I wouldn't have to do it every day. It's probably pointless anyway, but at least I'll still feel like I'm doing something, and it's not impossible.
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